Monday, December 19, 2011

Day 1 crossfit...for real

Kettlebell swings
toe to bar (I did sit ups)
box jumps (I did step ups)
jumping lunges (I did air squats)

I do believe I am getting better at those air squats. I did 195 total for all. I amnow dying. I cannot lift my arms and I am still shaking. I should have eaten but feel like puking still. Off to work.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

2 days done

So crossfit is going well. The coaches are great. My form is good. My endurance sucks. I can't do burpees at all. I am so sore. I will get better. I will succeed. I just may not be able to wear my heels Thursday at the Christmas party. So far very happy.

It does hurt to be different than the other crossfitters. The coach is having me modify the workout. They do 12 burpees. I do 6. I know it is for the best. I just do not like being different. I feel like a Wuss. But it is ok. I will get stronger. Everyone else is in much better shape. I guess when I surpass them later it will feel like redemption. For now, I day at a time.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Today Is the day.

I weighed myself. I measured myself. I packed a bag full of gym clothes. I am ready for crossfit. Of course, someone brought in coffee cake. MUST RESIST !

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Have I mentioned how excited I am to start crossfit!!?!! I start on Monday. Got a welcome email today. This is going to be great. Going to go to half price books to see if I can get some paleo cookbooks. Tonight's exercise is trampoline. Should be fun. I have to start running soon. Tried to join DRC. But the transaction failed. Will try again tomorrow. Half training starts with a race on the 7th. That shows what my weak ass beginning pace will be. So running on T, Th, S and crossfit on M, W, F. I am so excited for this next chapter. More excited that I will not be morbidly obese for Ireland. :)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Day 1 over

I did well yesterday. I only strayed from paleo with a few potatoes. They were already in the split pea soup so I ate them. I will freeze the rest this evening. I also had a beer. Small steps right. Tonight I may go play volleyball. It is really cold so maybe not. I am such a wimp.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Long time

It has been a very long time since I blogged. Medical problems and injuries have delayed the half. I think that my weight is a problem. I will continue to have an issue as long as I try to do this morbidly obese. So today I am easing into paleo eating. I have to ease into it since there is no way I can go cold turkey on the diet sodas. Then on Monday, I start cross fit. I am very nervous. I am competitive in nature so I am sure that I will Excel. I just know that I am going to hurt daily for the duration.

So I am at my all time high weight wise. I weighed myself this morning. Tonight I will tape myself. Keeping a log will help since I gain muscle rather quickly. I am looking forward to this process. I am looking forward to fitting better in my plane seat for Maine and Ireland trips coming up. I am looking forward to buying a beautiful evening gown for next years Christmas party. I am looking forward to feeling better during next years tubing trip.

Now for the half, I am doing cross fit 3 days a week. The other 3 days I will run. For now I will do it at the gym near my office. Once my roommate moves out I will do it at home. Going to turn the extra room into a gym with a tv and treadmill and dvd player.  At some point I may just do crossfit every day. But for now 3 days a week is a start. I will try and update often. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

more changes

We had some discussion as to which half to do. Haven't decided which one yet. I am joining weight watchers on Saturday. I am starting Insanity om Monday....and still doing the half. I know I am crazy. But I am so determined that this will be my last year as an obese person. I am very excited and committed to change. In a couple months I will be as debt free as I could ever be. I am looking to buy a house. I want the house the boyfriend the job and the active lifestyle.

I am inviting someone else to read and author this blog. She is doing a couch to 10 K and she is doing insanity with me.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


The work week from hell is over! So back to training. 11 weeks out. BUT that is the countdown to a non existent half marathon. Apparently the Run Austin Run marathon was in 2009. So tonight I will find a new one in dallas or austin. There is one that weekend inAustin but it is for women. I think that speed and endurance are important. The 8 minute mile is for the turkey trot not for the half.

Friday, July 15, 2011


8 minute miles? I guess I'm working backwards, I'm determined to build up some stamina before I worry about speed.

This week has been... rough. Only been every other day and a collective 8 miles. We're up to regular 2.5 miles - 3.0 is the goal for next week. You think you're slow? We're holding 15 minute pace; which I was actually very impressed with considering the horrid shape I'm in and considering we started at 19 minute pace. I CAN step out, but um... I can run so much longer if I step shorter. I actually think if I WALKED I could go faster right now!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

training run...

This morning I did 1.5 miles. At 1.25 miles my hip gave out. So I started a slow walk. I guess I need to start lifting weights or doing insanity to build my muscles. Time for run 30 minutes. I am so slow. Got to do some more wind sprints to get faster. Goal is 8 minute miles.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Stupid Phone

Have I mentioned that I suck at anything technology related? So I downloaded what looks like a friendly app, found a 5k program I think we can work with for starters, then move to the 10k, then to the half - starting with the half looked like something we couldn't do. There're a ton of programs on there and you can track your mileage/pace, even if your GPS is not working - that's going to happen to us when we get over 3 miles and have to run the park. It has a built in pedometer.

Lesson learned: make sure you select the program you want because until you finish it, you can't look at any others! I selected a couch potato program that started with running one minute then walking 2 and progressed over 6 weeks.

AND... we're already way past what we should be doing. We're taking their scheduled workout as a 'suggestion' and loading the rest of our stuff in on the computer. The week starts on Sunday whether I like it or not, I didn't like that part - so our first 1.5 miles aren't on this week's tally. And you can't alter the program once you've selected that, I don't like that either.

But, if you're playing music, it can run simultaneously in the background. That part was pretty easy anyway. Maybe I'm asinine, but I made myself a playlist and have been adding to it - this way I don't have to time my running, when the music is over, I'm done.

So... we'll try it out for logging distance and music and not so much its training program and I suppose if I don't really like it, I'll get another. I think I was better with my iPod and driving myself out a route anyway. I won't be able to do that once we start trail running though.

This week - 6 miles down (for me and the Beast, he made up for his missed morning last night - I don't think C2 is going to hang) but we didn't go out this morning since it was pouring rain! I don't keep up with these things very well. I mean the logging stuff part.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I have added an author. Together we are training for this half. Any hints, suggestions, offers of beer checks will be greatly appreciated.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Training run.

I have 3 new running partners. It is great to have that much support. I have 2 half marathons scheduled for Texas in October. The one in Maine I can't register for. The registration was closed in March! Oh well, more time to train and get better. :)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Lack of sleep

So how do you motivate yourself to get your ass out of bed when you have no sleep in order to get your training run in? Please help.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

training day 1

So I got my lazy butt up this morning and went to the gym. I got there late and only had time for .71 miles. Not good. I was not feeling like I was going to die. But I was not full of energy either. Tomorrow is cross training. I think I will bring a book and do the recumbant bike. 30 minutes maybe? After work I will be. Playing racquetball with a former coworker. Seems like a good plan. Then Friday I have to attempt the full 3 miles. Saturday is a rest day. I like my training schedule. Have it on a calendar at work. I will write down my scheduled and accomplished miles everyday. So excited to have started. Just wish. I was not totally alone on this race.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

found one

I found a half marathon to do. Going to be tough. I start training tonight. It is a small half ine Maine. Limited to 100 runners. Average high is 70. Sounds perfect to me. Except no beer check.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Well, my friend canceled the half. She had some difficulties and could not train. We are rescheduling for the fall. Meanwhile, I joined 24 hour fitness. I was having a hard time getting up to go before work. Today I finally made it. Got there and ran/walked on the treadmill for 17 minutes. Friday I am going to try and better the initial run and the total time. baby steps. But still having to push myself so that I increase my run time, speed and endurance. Now to find a new half. We may still do the wounded warrior just for training. Run as much as we can and then walk the rest of the way.

I got the body bugg. Damn thing does not work. Tried to take it back. I mean who spends $215 on something that doesn't work. They told me I could not get a refund. Bullshit. Instead the manager of the club is going to get on the phone with technical support and figure out with them why it does not work. So far I am not impressed. The manager is also going to give me a couple of training sessions for my trouble.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Crap, not again

So I have been very silent lately. I got plenty of positive feedback. A lot of suggestions that helped. But now I have lost my running partner. I know that I can not do this alone. I will not do it alone.

Now I have a personal thing that is really hard. I have a lot to think about and a lot to work on. So I am just going to go with it, do what feels good and concentrate on me. So I will try to get up in the morning and do Insanity. This is until I can afford a gym. Once I get the gym membership, I will alter my workouts. At night I am going to work with the dogs and run/walk. Who knows, I may decide to do the half anyway by myself depending on how this all goes. This next few months are going to be hard. I may falter, I may shine. Not sure. I just know that there are going to be changes. I hope at the end, there will be happiness. For now I am going to be sad for a long time. May not have much on here but my workouts without words. I can't promise what will be here. I am going to try and be positive.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Lunch time run

So I went home at lunch instead of doing Insanity. Ran for a little bit. Doing a couple minutes at a time with a 45 second rest between. Going to try and make sure that I run Saturday a long distance so I will be more prepared for the dash down Greenville.

On a side note, I spoke with DLO. Seems like we may be able to work this thing out after all. At least we both want to try.

The beginning

So I am training for a half marathon. At least I keep saying I am. I have run 2 times. A,Month.Apart. sigh. I need to get motivated to begin. For now I am doing weight watchers and Insanity. I am going to throw in some running here and there. Long runs will be Saturday mornings. This blog is going to be real. Real weight. Real calorie counts. Real weight loss. Welcome to my running blog.