Monday, February 21, 2011

Lunch time run

So I went home at lunch instead of doing Insanity. Ran for a little bit. Doing a couple minutes at a time with a 45 second rest between. Going to try and make sure that I run Saturday a long distance so I will be more prepared for the dash down Greenville.

On a side note, I spoke with DLO. Seems like we may be able to work this thing out after all. At least we both want to try.

The beginning

So I am training for a half marathon. At least I keep saying I am. I have run 2 times. A,Month.Apart. sigh. I need to get motivated to begin. For now I am doing weight watchers and Insanity. I am going to throw in some running here and there. Long runs will be Saturday mornings. This blog is going to be real. Real weight. Real calorie counts. Real weight loss. Welcome to my running blog.